How to use WorkingTime software?

Manage projects counters

New counter of project

To create a new counter of project, click on the button below or use the shortcut (Ctrl+N). If you prefer, you can also use the menu (first left icon) and select option "New project". Icon of new counter

On the dialog box (below), select a group name for your project in the combo box and in the text box, enter the project's name. Notice that group name is optional, but it help you to organize a major project. Window of new counter

Edit a counter (group or project's name)

To change a project's name or the group assignation, click on the button below or use the shortcut (F2). If you prefer, you can also use the menu (first left icon) and select option "Edit". This action open the same window that for a new project. Icon edit counter name

Edit recording time

This action lets you define the spent time of an external project you want to add to the list, or update the recording time of an existing project. Icon updating the recording time

Select the line you want edit and then click on the recording duration button. On the below window, enter a positive number (in minutes) to add time or a negative number to draw back. For example, if you want to add 60 minutes to your recording time, just enter "60" and if you want to remove half hour, enter "-30" (without quotes). Window updating the recording time