How to use WorkingTime software?
Manage groups of projects
Groups list
This panel display the color scheme of the selected group.
Panel of the groups list
New group
To create a new group, select a project from the list (see image above) with similar colors you want to define for the new one and click on the button "New group" (at the left bottom of the window).
From the right panel, give a name to your new group and press the Enter key to valid. A new group is automatically saved.
Edit group
You can rename a group at any time from above window or from the report window. To edit a group name, select it from the right panel and click on his name.
Delete group
To delete a group, select it from the right panel and click on the "Delete" button (at the left bottom of the window).
Color set
In color set mode, the left panel still display the color scheme of the selected group. Notice that can also create a new group in this mode. In this case, set the colors you want before to click on the button "New group". If the color set already exist, do not forget to click on the button "Save" before leaving the window!
The right panel lets you define your own colors. The top area sets the colors of selected bottom area in the "Zone selector".
The two small arrow buttons (at the window bottom) let you navigate through the history of colors.
Colors selector
Move the cursor of each primary color (RGB) to get the color you want. You can view the current color in the left panel of the window.
Zone selector
WorkingTime lets you define 4 colors for your projects reports:
(from left to right) - The square 1 represent the background of the page report.
- The square 2 represent the background of the title and footer of the report.
- The square 3 represent the main content background of the report
- The square 4 is the text color of the report
Move the horizontal cursor to select one of four zones.
And the fifth color?
The fifth color is automatically set by WorkingTime, a lighter or darker color tone compared to third color.